I find it fascinating that half of Americans scoff at Fox News as a source for slanted, distorted news and outright lies while the other half of Americans scoff at MSNBC as a source of slanted, distorted
news and outright lies. Yet the half of Americans that yesterday scoffed at Fox News today believes its coverage of the alleged mail bombs to be basically accurate, correct and reported with some newly found journalistic integrity. And the half of Americans that yesterday scoffed at MSNBC today believes its coverage of the alleged mail bombs to be basically accurate, correct and reported with some newly found journalistic integrity. The only real difference is in how they assign blame to one side or the other side.
Each half of America is sure the other half of America has it wrong. Courtesy Hard Rock Libertarians. |
Why the sudden acceptance that what's shown on TV today must now be the truth when just hours earlier people were so sure the TV news was feeding them almost nothing but outright lies?
UPDATE: Squirrel Hill
And now the Squirrel Hill shooting. This story is so emotionally disturbing that the media must be reporting it truthfully. The media may be slanting, distorting and lying about almost everything else - but not this story. The reporting on Squirrel Hill synagogue must be accurate...and the mail bombs - accurate. It's everything else that is slanted, distorted or a lie. And Pulse Nightclub. The reporting on Squirrel Hill, the mail bombs and Pulse Nightclub is 100% accurate. Except for those stories, all other news coverage is slanted, distorted or a lie. Oh, and except for the Las Vegas shooting - there were no holes in the reporting for the Vegas shooting. And the migrant caravans - biased news coverage. Except for those stories, everything else shown on the TV news must be accurate, correct and reported with journalistic integrity...
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