Friday, August 28, 2015

Open Enrollment Period for Food Shopping?

During the 90-day period starting November 1st, 2015, we get to select one supermarket where we'll be permitted to buy food for our families for the year ending 2016. It must be located in the state where we live. Be sure to select carefully because no other supermarket will be legally allowed to sell us any food until the following year when the next open enrollment period starts. I sure hope the supermarket I select doesn't jack up the prices and pay less attention to product quality and service knowing that we're only allowed to buy food in one supermarket.

Sure, this seems incredibly ridiculous and who would tolerate such a decree from the federal government or from a supermarket cartel, if one were to exist. Yet we not only tolerate it when it comes to healthcare but some people even rejoice at having their choices restricted by just such a decree pushed with the support of the healthcare cartel.

Just because the media has stopped hyping the pros and cons of Obamacare doesn't mean anything has been resolved or that we have to stop trying to fix the healthcare crisis. November 1st, 2015 doesn't mark the start of the 90-day open enrollment period for food shopping, though someday, it might. It does mark the start of the 90-day period when we're granted the privilege of switching from a horrible healthcare plan to a truly horrific healthcare plan.

For a doctor's perspective, click here.
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